The Punisher was a lackluster affair with an okay idea, everything I had heard it to be. I didn't like the casting choice for Mr. Castle, the apartment friends were too ridiculous, and the tale didn't seem epic enough for a super hero movie. Why not someone with a more fantastic tale or nemeses? That said, John Travolta wasn't half-bad.
And Hellboy II, another comic film set aside as not so good and passable. I've never read any of these comics or watched the first flick a bunch, but I like the character of Hellboy a lot. Maybe it's Ron Perlman or maybe it's Guillermo's vision, but I like these stories of Hellboy. The second one was surprisingly good. It felt like a good sequel film nearly done with the origin story and fraught with an even bigger fight than before. The visuals were reflected in that too, though Selma Blair still seemed awkward (I'm afraid she will in every role).
I'm not sure which past, 2nd-rate comics movie will be next on the list, but these films definitely have me excited.
-- "We figure abortion clinics are a good place to meet loose women."
You didn't like the casting for Mr. Castle? I want to have Tom Jane's babies.
That said, I hated the apartment buddies. And I really can't take John Travolta too seriously, hero or villain.
Tom Jane wasn't dark & gritty enough for the Punisher, imhbho. The 2nd guy looks like a better pin, though the movie looks like all action no story (maybe that's a good thing).
And the JT thing, that's why I said "half-bad." It felt like I was watching a sloppier Swordfish this time.
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