The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - A flick that piqued my interest with the always good Brad Pitt. I admit my man-crush; he's a great actor that chooses many different roles and pulls them all off. The film was slow-paced and thoughtful with some great additions in Casey Affleck and Sam Rockwell. Definitely worth a rental.
Henry Poole is Here - The preview for this had me expecting a comedy. Thankfully it wasn't too disappointing to find Luke Wilson in a contemplative depression as life presents him with a question of faith. Of course he fights against it, and of course he emerges with a fresh outlook and new found happiness. Check it out if you like films of this type but don't expect to laugh much.
Eagle Eye - It's a Shia LaBeouf movie, but I enjoyed it. I don't mind him really, but I hear about as many bad things for him as Keanu Reeves (I loved Constantine). Anyway, it was a competent thriller with a Fallout 3-esque plot mechanic.
The Golden Compass - It's weird to see some books-turned-movies when the allegory is so heavy. It was different than I expected in a good way, but the rest of the movie was just bad. I could tell they omitted a bunch from the book and rushed everywhere. I really expected to enjoy it, but I'll definitely pass on the sequel.
Grindhouse: Death Proof and Grindhouse: Planet Terror - I really didn't expect much from either of these. And what ties they have as being a double feature are only loosely related in the 70s film grain pervading throughout. I say this because Planet Terror was absolutely fantastic, and Death Proof is and will remain unfinished by mine eyes. The former featured a great zombie flick with ultraviolence, ultragore, and an overall campy atmosphere. I laughed outloud so often, covered the screen with my hand too many times, and still made it through with an overwhelming taste of awesomesauce in my mouth.
The first 20 minutes of the Tarantino half of Grindhouse had me wondering why I hadn't stopped it yet. It was full of neverending, pretentious Tarantino dialogue and a story I could never care about. I tried, but it lacked the Pulp of Quentin's usually deep Reservoir.
-- "Welcome back to the land of the living. Now pick up a shovel and get digging!"
I liked Death Proof
So you're saying it got better after the women stopped with the inane chatting in the beginning? Guess that wouldn't be too hard.
So it was much more tolerable after said inane chatting, first and second time (fast forward, yay!). Though I don't see why he did so much character building having so little relevance. And how did Rosario's character no how to throw a punch or an axe kick as a hairdresser/makeup artist? Bah.
That said, I still love Tarantino's choice of music. It kicked ass.
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