The subject matter seems to be as random in topics as what you could certainly guess. The improvisational nature of the show is refreshing amongst the mix of gamecasts to which I currently subscribe. The relationship between the two hosts works surprisingly well seeing as they have never met in RL (that's webspeak for "Real Life"). Ben has a
Overall, I'd give the two of them a basket of fried pickles and some french toast casserole...figuratively of course. I'm too lazy to cook, much less for other people. Geez, who do I think I am? A chef? Get off my back about signing up for culinary school. I'm done studying.
-- "I'm sorry, what was the question? I was distracted by the half-masticated cow rolling around in your wide-open trap."
Thank you so much for posting about us! Another episode just went live and it is definitely my favorite so far.
I can't believe you said I'm the straight man! I never would have guessed that.
Thank you again for listening and giving us a little shout-out. This has been an immensely fun project and I'm so glad to hear someone besides Ben and myself is enjoying it!
It's more because compared to Ben, everyone would be considered a straight man :)
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