The Scout is the latest class to receive an update after the Heavy, Medic, and Pyro so far. It brings much needed new weapons earned through much needed new achievements (at least I love 'em). I've only earned the new Force-A-Nature sawed-off so far, but it adds a ton more fun already. I can't wait to earn the Sandman and the Energy Drink, properly titled "Bonk!"
Also in-tow comes a few maps too! Watchtower is an arena map that is very wide open and contains many thin planks to run along. It seems like a great addition to lumberyard for the arena and a fun map for snipers once all the scouts fade away. I haven't played Junction much yet, but I can already see the intended close-quarters and explosive nature of the map.
The one I've played most so far is my favorite: Egypt. The Dustbowl feel to this one means it'll be a new staple to many dedicated servers, and it deserves it from what I've witnessed.
Plus TF2 is $10 for a limited time...not that Steam doesn't offer many sales.
-- "When my brothers and I played cowboys and indians, I was always the Chinese railroad worker."
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