The Departed is one of those films everyone must see, from what I've heard. It won a bunch of awards and the hype was very high. Surprise, surprise: it was really good. The acting was superb and the story didn't drag on as much as I thought a Scorsese film would (see Gangs of New York). So it was definitely worth the watch even though cop dramas aren't high on my re-watch list.
Domino is the crazy Keira Knightley that came out in 2005 seeming to rid her of any innocence she may have portrayed until then. She's a bounty hunter with Mickey Rourke, and the film's got a lot of edge to it. The editing must've been hell for this one too, as it was really jumpy and kinda trippy too. I really enjoyed it despite Netflix not thinking I would and would enjoy rewatching it. Oh, it makes fun of 90210 a lot!
I enjoyed the new Casino Royale a lot more than I thought I would. I've never been huge into the James Bond stuff, but it was as fun as friends have suggested. And Daniel Craig's got the Peyton Manning-robot thing going on but with a much dreamier smile. I'm not gonna buy it, but I'll definitely add Quantum of Solace to my queue.
Ahhh, Clive Owen. How much fun it is to watch him portray the quirky action guy with loads of charisma. The International lended more of a story than most of his other films, and it delivered with great pacing and cinematography as well. Worthy of a rewatch for sure.
And finally, Babylon A.D. I'm a Vin Diesel fan; I admit it. I feel he's a good actor and an amazing action star. This is another sci-fi movie with a touch more
-- "I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate a gun rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?"