So I was thinking the other day about this game I've been excited about for about a year now. It was supposed to come out soon, but got pushed into 2009. It's Prototype. The delay seems kind of scary considering Activision dropped a couple of other games completely, most notably Ghostbusters and Brutal Legend (apparently Activision still has active sites).
The game looks to be a sandbox full of people and creatures to kill in order to absorb whatever the target knows, any powers they might have, and collect another piece of some unknown puzzle. The fast-paced running and awesome powers look great and a lot of fun to play around with. Basically, I can't wait to see how this game develops with this extra time.
But why a delay to a game already showing so much progress? I think it's only Activision taking what spotlight Prototype has away and onto all of the other titles they already have coming out this season.
Guess it gives me some more quality time with Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, and Mirror's Edge then.
Okay, and Warhammer Online too...
--"Are you classified as human?" "Negative, I am a meat popsicle."
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