One thing I've noticed so far is the relative ease of amassing together and killing something in WAR. Whether it's a public quest people just haphazardly raid in, the open group system, or the open-world Realm vs. Realm objectives: people are lumped...er, grouped to enable everyone to collaborate easier. All well and good, right? For the most part, yes.
However, it's all rather impersonal. No one talks. People don't even shout in the zone asking, "where's mankirk's wife? lolz." When I'm off in a random area doing a quest, I can see someone there preparing to do the same quest(s), invite them, do the quest, and leave all without speaking. Speaks wonders for the simple, overarching system, but seems rather odd compared to all past MMOs I've participated.
But I did finally accept one of the multitude of guild invites. After all the time I've spent in my single life of solitude, it's a haven of ranting/venting. Even if I only get a response half the time, I'm just glad I can bounce some things off of others. It's easier to see the light blue chat (guild) than the regular white (zone-wide), so I probably get more views.
It's still just a random guild though, so I'd much rather prefer forming a band of friends over this any day.
-- "Nothing is over until we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"
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