For those who don't know, it's a first-person game with free-running. Like a lot of others, I thought I'd like it more in 3rd-person and was rather dismissive. I played their demo level on a PS3 and felt comfortable instantaneously; it was rather odd as I'm not a big proponent of Playstation controllers. The up-action/down-action felt natural and wonderfully simple. And no, I didn't feel sick once from the first-person rolling. Surprisingly I think I'll get it for my PC. Much like Left 4 Dead, I'm interested in the mod community for this game (though I'll hook up my 360 controller for this parcours goodness).
Since I want to get through this PAX stuff, I'll go through some quick impressions of other games I saw & played:
- Afro Samurai (360) - Looks good & stylish like the show but was a lackluster action game with no punch.
- Demigod (PC) - Felt like a strategy game for people that dislike RTS's (like myself) but with no real longevity or variability. Would be worth another look though.
- Legendary (360) - Only passed by watching a couple other people play it, but it just looked very generic.
- Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe (360) - Played this a couple times though I've never been a fan of the MK series. It essentially makes me want to play a DC Universe fighting game...
- Resistance 2 (PS3) - Why am I playing PS3 games? Dunno, but this was an okay shooter though I only got to see an 8 player deathmatch (no single-player or 60 player multi).
- Shaun White Snowboarding (360) - More realistic and hence less fun than the SSX games.
-- "But I'll tell you what. If you want to use my likeness for a Hamburglar-type character, I'll sign off on that. "Mr. Banana Grabber" or something."
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