Of course I'm eluding to World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, or as I like to call it "Blizzard always needs more money, and yes I'll give it to them." I had no interest in this when it was announced, when I saw footage of the death knight starting area, or even when the awesome Lich King trailer came out. I didn't care about leveling the 70 Rogue I left behind anew and getting back into the swing of it with 11 or 12 million other subscribers. The new zones didn't intrigue me enough to really learn more about the game either.
It was when I saw my friend playing a death knight and killing elites two or three levels higher than himself solo. That sparked all the memories coming back to life of the gaming I loved. It's what I tried to rekindle with Warhammer, but didn't survive only because of the host of other gaming contenders (I still really like it and constantly remind my friend of what it does better than WoW).
And I love being a harbinger of death. Even moreso, I love being a tiny harbinger of death packaged in the body of a gnome. Tethering giant mobs 20 times my size and pulling them next to me is hysterical, and surviving a mob of mobs a couple levels higher than myself is a thrill I'm now privileged to experienced in an MMO setting.
Now where's my pack of smokes? The servers are almost back up.
--"You have many treasures, gypsy. Who did you rob for all this?"