April 01, 2009

Sony Welcomes Mario to Generation Next

Earlier today, Sony unveiled the clandestine location for Mario's next adventure: the Playstation 3. Miyamoto-san seems to have had a mid-life crisis taking his beloved plumber into a visually realistic world full of browns and greys.

Set to join the fray of frags, Super Mario Mayhem is touted to revolutionize the world of first-person shooters. Little imagery has been released, but I'm thinking the Super Mario Bros. movie with better animation, tougher A.I., and no Dennis Hopper as King Koopa. No doubt there'll be plasmid-like fireball-tossing action too!

And it will sell millions. And the PS3 won't need the price-cut everyone's been demanding. Parents will purchase them for their kids even with the Mature rating the game has already received.

Well done, Sony. HUGE SUCCESS!

-- "Remember, trust the fungus."

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